The anniversary collecting event of Apex Legends started at the beginning of this week, but for Bloodhound players are not all cheerful celebrations - despite the fact that they have a new mythically rare skin to unlock. The high value of the skin of around $ 160 dollar splits the fans alone, but there are also reports that the challenge tracking of the skin is broken.
Bloodhound's new APEX Hunter-Skin offers three stages of challenges that the players can unlock, each offering a different version of the core design of the skin. Level 1 can be activated by completing the anniversary collecting event - as well as you could unlock a heirloom. Animal 2 and Tier 3, however, are unlocked by challenges in the game. The challenges of this skins are concerned with causing damage while playing as Bloodhound.
That sounds easy, but many players have difficulty actually mastering the challenge. There are several reports that challenge tracking has been interrupted. Paris of Cloud9, Stay cheeky 'Gouzoulis has tweeted that your Challenge Tracker at "-1 / -1" fests - a clear problem.
In a Reddit Threadin ResPawn developer, the problem has confirmed and reveals that it has been resolved on the developer side, but a fix is not introduced for "at least one week" in the live version of Apex Legends.
At the moment there is no information about how ResPawn plans to make reparation for players whose statistics were reset. The same developer says that he "consider what options we have to solve this for all of them who lost the progress".
At the moment there is no word about when exactly the fix comes and how players can avoid this problem if they have unlocked the new skin of Bloodhound. We will keep an eye on the official channels and keep you up to date - at the moment it may be best not to try to improve your new mythical Bloodhound-Skin, as there is no guarantee that your hard-worked damage will be preserved.
However, if you plan to get the challenge again, look at our APEX Legend's cease ranking to get a guide to the best weapons available in the game.
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